Hybrid project management

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Hybrid Project Management

Increasingly, organisations are developing an interest in this approach to project management when it comes to develop and market new products and services. This often requires an individual adaptation of the methodology. It is not always possible to manage projects according to rigid methods and specifications, and it is just as rare to need only sprints and quick process decisions. With hybrid project management, you take the middle path and combine the advantages of both approaches into a strong management concept.

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Hybrid project management – what is it about?

Hybrid project management is the golden mean if you cannot or do not want to choose a traditional or agile approach to managing projects. With a hybrid approach, you use a concept that combines traditional and agile methods in the implementation of your projects. Individual tasks and phases of the project can be handled in classical project management, others in agile project management.

No company applies the hybrid project approach as a fixed concept for all its projects. It is necessary to adapt it to the respective project. In practice, it is determined in the early phase of project planning which work steps and phases can be handled according to the principles of classic project management and others according to the agile approach.

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Advantages and disadvantages of traditional management

Traditional project management is widely used in large companies and is suitable for long-term and complex projects. The methodology provides everyone involved in the project with a clearly structured plan that includes all tasks, times, resources, processes etc. The approach creates clarity, security and reliability for everyone involved in the project and the collaboration.

This approach does not always fit in a constantly changing and often fast-paced working world. Depending on the industry and type of project (e.g. software development), short term changes of priorities are to be expected, which cause greater effort in classic project management.

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Advantages and disadvantages of agile management
Agile project management comes across as flexible, fast and customer-oriented. Approaches such as Scrum or Kanban are handled in several sprints over a short period of time. The requirements to be worked on are selected for each sprint. Customers are closely involved in the project, and finished parts of a product are made available for testing and improvement.
Apply the benefits of both approaches
Hybrid project management aims to bring the advantages of classic and agile project management to bear where they are needed in the context of individual projects (e.g. development of a new product with hardware and software components).

In the project design, among other things, the methodology of the project is discussed (agile, classic, hybrid) and selected. Initially,e.g. a classical approach is followed, which leads to the creation of a work breakdown structure. In this, it can become clear that individual project phases do not require detailed planning and structure and can be processed more easily in an agile manner.

For whom is the hybrid project approach suitable?
Just as classic or agile project management is not suitable for every project, there is no blanket suitability of hybrid management. It depends on the wise choice.

Building a bridge between the two methods and thereby creating a unique hybrid for project management should be planned and agreed upon calmly by the management and the project manager.

Passing on project management know-how the right way
The decision for hybrid management is no guarantee for successful implementation. For employees in all departments, the conversion of previously familiar ways of working to thinking and acting in terms of projects is always a challenge. This is even more the case with the hybrid concept, as two fundamentally different philosophies of working and communicating have to be combined. Professional support is advisable in order to pass on the necessary know-how to employees and to promote motivation for hybrid project work.

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